Sunday, 4 March 2012

dear beautiful women of the world

If you’re reading this, then you must be a beautiful woman, as this blog-letter is addressed to you! Yes, you!

What makes a woman beautiful?
Being beautiful women, we all know that beauty is not just skin-deep, right? There are things about beauty that are not just confined to physical appearance. Stuff like…
  •          Compassion
  •          Confidence
  •          Sensitivity
  •          Strength

“We don’t have to align ourselves with someone else’s vision of what is beautiful”  ~Aimee Mullins

Aimee Mullins
Let me tell you about Aimee Mullins.  She is 35, smart as hell, a model, an elite athlete (broken 3 world records), and a public speaker. Oh, and she has no legs.

Self-value is way sexy
Aimee believes that confidence is of high value when it comes to beauty. And on that note, when she addresses her female audiences she challenges them with this scenario:

Picture this:  You’re walking down the street and a hooded figure jumps out and accosts you. To get away, you have to push your fingers into his eyes and press his eyeballs, like jelly. There’s no other choice. Would you do it? (About 25% of women would.) So picture this then: You’ve picked up the kids from school and are walking along when the hooded figure jumps out. Would you do it now? (100% of women would.)
Aimee believes that many women don’t merit themselves unless they’re in a supporting role for someone else. Supporting is great, however it is also devaluing if you cannot allow yourself to be great because of yourself, for your own sake.

Any comments or thoughts on this? What's your response, oh beautiful woman? (Blokes, you can say stuff too. Beautiful women are pleased to have your input on this.)

Sunday Telegraph Magazine, 04 March 2012


  1. oooh, you ask an interesting question. The balance (sometimes tension) between self and supporting others is a tricky one. Being a fierce mother cat when her young are threatened is such an instinctual reaction. But I think it also becomes a learned behaviour at a milder level, although no less constricting and damaging to one's sense of self when taken too far.

  2. dear beautiful-woman-kirsty! great comment. i don't reckon there's any issue with being in a supportive role at all. furthermore, i don't believe there's any conflict between supporting others and valuing self. but sadly, it seems apparent that many women determine their own value by the level of support they provide to others.
