Definition: what
other people expect of your behaviour or actions coupled with a pressure to conform
to their desires based on an undefined criteria.
This is a recipe for getting my back up. I hate having a template of unrealistic expectation
placed on me. I grew up with a bit of a chip
on my shoulder as a pastor’s daughter and found that other people had expectations
of me that I knew nothing about. Pastor’s
daughters were supposed to be well behaved, good pianists and helpful in the kitchen
for example. When I got into trouble at school
once, the teacher said to me, “You should know better than this - you’re a pastor’s
daughter!” I was about 14 at the time and
couldn’t articulate how this affected me.
In a work situation, you agree to do a job based on a position
description and clearly defined expectations of your role. You know this up front. You know what’s expected of you, and you do it
willingly. No problem. That’s what all the industrial relations laws are
about – keeping relationships sweet and understood between employer and employee.
They are about clearly identifying and communicating
expectations which are realistic and then the employee agreeing and meeting those
expectations. When it works, all is well.
Expectations – unrealistic or not – happen within relationships
too. Marriages, families, friendships and
acquaintances. When I was involved in a church
situation once, I found myself under a dominant leadership person who had high expectations
of his ‘followers’. The problem was, you
only ever found out when you didn’t meet those expectations AFTER the event. He could never seem to communicate what his expectations
were BEFOREhand. So it felt very stressful
at times. It was a terrible way to conduct
a community and I found myself striving to meet expectations which were undefined.
This, I believe, was manipulative behaviour
on his part. Intentional or not on his part,
that’s the effect it had. It set people up
to fail, messed with their heads and ultimately damaged people’s spirituality.
I have always hated finding myself in a position where someone
else places expectations on me which have not been identified and agreed to by both
of us first. This is a recipe for disappointment
for both parties. It sets people and relationships
up to fail. And, it’s manipulative.
It’s sad that relationships suffer and are
diminished because of this. Important relationships
too. I am saddened by the loss of relationship
I had with Meyles' rellies years ago because I found myself in conflict with them due to
this business of unrealistic expectations. They expected me to visit them more than I did,
but I never knew this until we were already well down the conflict track. It never got sorted. We just lost the relationship and all parties involved
suffered that loss.
Most people are eager to have good friendships and will offer
their love and kindness freely. But the moment
they feel someone has an unspoken agenda or like they haven’t met an unrealistic
expectation, they will pull back on that relationship. Long term healthy relationships must be based on
transparent honesty. And being honest with
someone else is first about acknowledging to yourself what your desires and expectations
are. No one’s a mind-reader. No one will know your desires until you express
them in a way they are understood and agreed to. Anything less will limit the depth and length of
relationships at best, and manipulate and damage people and relationships at worst.
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