Let’s refresh our memory with this short quiz before we launch into the next 7 words from my family. See how you score with these revision questions:
- If you drive too slowly you would be known as a ____________? (rhymes with ‘bunker’) answer
- You eat it for breakfast with lots of bung bungs. answer
- True or False: When cooking it is very important to get the tulupstiness at the right level. answer
- If you have a dog with big eyes and long ears, it is most likely a _________? answer
- An old geezer wearing a coat crossing the road is referred to as one of these. answer
If you scored 5/5 excellent!
If you scored 4/5 pretty good
If you scored 3/5 average
If you scored 2/5 or less – weak as
Another 7 words
Gladoudovit (glad-ow-dovit): a command to withdraw or cease involvement – especially in relation to physical proximity, e.g. if someone keeps pinching your toast at breakfast, you say with some force, “Look, gladoudovit will ya!”
Gaggledy (gaggle-dee): out of sorts, irritable, unpredictable in terms of reactions and emotional stability, e.g. “Miss Anderson was all gaggledy in class today.”
Gizit (giz-it): a request for an object to be promptly handed over and transferred to the requester. This term “Gizit” is also an intuitive term which is understood entirely by others, even when they haven’t heard it before, e.g. when watching someone try and put batteries in the torch but not being able to get it to work, you say “Gizit!” and you have a go at it yourself.
Prolly (pro-lee): in all likelihood, very possible. E.g. Question: “Have you done the dishes yet?” Answer: “Errr... prolly.”
Bort (bort): the sound a fart makes, usually spoken with the same tonal inflection as the crime itself (no example included)
Doi-oi (doy-oy): a large and obvious pimple. Can be used in a derogatory sense to refer to an unfortunate sufferer as ‘Doi-oi boy’. This term can be extended to illustrate the obviousness of the doi-oi, as in ‘doi-oi-oi-oi-oi’.
Wheely wheely wheely (whee-lee whee-lee whee-lee): an expression of humour used within the context of someone else’s misfortune, especially if it’s deserved, e.g. when driving past someone being booked by a cop, you say ‘Wheelie wheelie wheelie!’
There’s the next instalment of special Sleight words. Some of you have been using these words in your every day communication and this is highly recommended to expand your descriptive vocabulary. Keep it up, as it is very rewarding to become so articulate!
Homework: Make up a sentence using as many Sleight words as you can from all 3 blogs referred to here and you will win points!
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